Specialist Windsurfing, Kitesurfing, Wing Foil, Surfing, SUP, MTB, Bike, Yoga, Spa and Multi Activity Holidays, Pro coaching, Clinics & Camps in the World's Best Locations
Moulay 03 & 10 May 2025
Run By : Jem Hall Windsurf Clinics
The 2025 Sportif clinic to the windsurfing wave sailing venue of Moulay, Morocco is back in Morocco in May.
"Moulay is perfect for wave sailing. Consistent cross-shore winds combined with a healthy dose of Atlantic swell make this unassuming, laid-back village a must-visit destination for all you wave-heads out there," says Jem Hall.
Clinic Content
This clinic will cover all aspects of wave sailing for advanced windsurfers. It will get you jumping better, getting you in, getting you out and riding the right wave in the right way as your turns receive the full tune-up. For the more adventurous, there's coaching for forward and backward loops, push-loops plus advanced wave riding skills such as better bottom and top turns, smacking lips and aerials and wave theory such as wave selection and positioning. This clinic will push your wave sailing to new levels and improve your style!
Course Level
Advanced Only
To get the best out of this clinic, participants will need to be sailing in the foot straps or as near as, be making some water starts and looking to carve gybe. All moves can be worked on for the advanced riders. Jem advises "You should be comfortable in high winds and waves. It helps to have a solid gybe and tack to get you out of tight spots on the inside or to catch the wave you want on a sometimes crowded peak."
The Conditions
Moulay is a serious wave sailing destination and an amazing location for a wave clinic. This clinic is timed to have the best chance for strong winds and good swell. Expect big jumps and big waves, not helicopter tacks and gybing practice. 2010 was Jem's inaugural clinic to Moulay and this is now one of his fastest booking wave coaching weeks and the majority of people both pre book and confirm very early.
WAVE SAILING Performance Boost Windsurfing Clinic MOULAY - Morocco Land only price £1,225pp details coming soon (Includes above except flights.) Supplements |
Here are Jems 's review on the facilities and tips for travel to Moulay:
Clinic Accommodation, Moulay
This clinic will be housed in shared rooms with Breakfast at the Centre cafe.. Breakfast and evening meal will be local style – good wholesome food such as tajines, cous cous or fish bbqs. The group normally takes lunch each day at the windsurf centre. The spot has amazing panaromamic views from outside the sitting - lounging area. It's based in Moulay to be close to the main wave sailing area. Moulay itself has very limited facilities and is laid back, chilled out village. Essaouira, is around 20 minutes away by taxi, offers a wide choice of restaurants, cafes and old medina town is worth exploring.
Travel Details
Airport: Gatwick/Marrakesh.
May 2021 Gatwick/Marrakech appox
May 2021 Marrakech/Gatwick TBA hrs
Alternative regional flights available with possible supplement.
Transfer: approximately 3 hours.
Board Hire
The centre will have a selection of the latest Fanatic and Duotone gear available. It’s a small centre and very well equipped for all sailors and windier weather (20 knots+) with a good selection of single and multi-fin waveboards.
The windsurf rental package includes the name reservation for a board of your choice. Depending on availability and weather conditions, you can test all other boards subject to avaIlabilty. You can adapt the size of the Duotone rig to your weight and weather conditions, change as many times as you like.
Boards include Freewave, Triwave and Grip with SuperHero and Volt sails mounted on 80% carbon rdm Gold mats.
Other activities available includng stand up paddle boarding and surfing. Visits to nearby Essaouira around 20 minutes drive. Long beach walks or jogging.
Fact File
Great Reasons to go to Moulay, Morocco, Africa |
Best Time: June - August. Launch: Sandy beach. Wind Direction: Cross shore from the right. Wind Type: NE Trade winds. Shorebreak: Normally slight all season. Water Conditions: Waves. Suitability: Intermediates experienced in waves and ideally suited for the more advanced sailor looking for waves. |